Join any time and work at your own pace, or jump in with the group run-throughs for community encouragement.

Mindful Photography

next group run-through starts 14 April 2025: £95

The Art of Flower Photography

next group run-through starts 9 June 2025: £155

Composition: Beyond the Basics

next group run-through starts 15 September 2025: £135

Camera Club

Emma runs an online camera club which is separate from AYWMC and the Photo School. If you want to learn a specific skill with a definite outcome then the courses listed above in the Photo School are best for you. If you want to join a community of photographers and dip into a different topic each month then you might prefer the Camera Club.

Click here to learn more and to join.

Registration to the Camera Club opens only four times a year to A Year With My Camera alumni. Join Emma’s once-a-month email newsletter to find out when the next joining date is: click here to join the email list.

  • a new photography project every month

  • an engaged online community which Emma is active in

  • regular online guest speakers

  • regular meetups (online during the pandemic, in-person with online option otherwise)

  • genre-specific special interest groups

Are you already a member of the Camera Club? Click here to log in to Camera Club.

Are you already registered?

Click here to log in to the Photo School